Shooting Disciplines

25/50/100 Yard Target Rifle and LBP

Here at the club, we have the opportunity to shoot at both 25 yards (Ideal for full-bore LBP and BP pistols) and 50 yards, and occasionally shooting 100 yards weather permitting. Typically we have 6 stations that shooters can use, including bench rests and tables.

Muzzle Loading - Muskets and BP Pistols

Black powder firearms and shotguns are also used by some members of the club, including smooth-bore and rifled muzzle loaders, and muzzle loading pistols (revolvers and single shot duelling pistols). Black powder shooters use the same stations as standard rifle and LBP shooters. 

Air Rifles & Pistols

We have also recently installed a small 10 metre air pistol range, with 2 shooting stations and target holders. This new range is rapidly increasing in popularity, and is perfect for a relaxed plinking or competition shooting alike! 

Using the 10 Metre air pistol range, 2 members can shoot simultaneously.

For any further information about the club disciplines or any other enquiries, please use the contact form page.